Mini Optimization Symposium

Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

December 10, 2024


No registration fee. We will provide dinner box after the workshop for each enrolled participant.


Please fill the following form for counting the number of people present.

報名日期:即日起至 2024-12-10 止。

Registration date: from now until 2024-12-10 .

晚餐餐盒 (dinner Box)

已經報名的名單:目前人數 11

姓名 (Name)單位 (Institution)
Bang-Shien ChenNational Taiwan Normal University
YU-JEN HuangNational Taiwan Normal University
Jein-Shan ChenDepartment of Mathematics, NTNU
Bidyaluxmi National Taiwan Normal University
Phan Huu HieuDepartment of Mathematica
PRASHANT SINGHDepartment of Mathematics, NTNU
Doan Nhat Minh ThuyDepartment of Mathematics, NTNU
Vo Minh TamDepartment of Mathematics, NTNU
Ching-Yu YangDepartment of Mathematics, NTNU
Nguyen Thi Yen Trang Department of Mathematics, NTNU
Yu-Lin ChangDepartment of Mathematics, NTNU